WBC Community Development Corporation, Inc.
2nd Annual Gala
“Building, Reaching, Growing Toward Excellence”
Tremont Suites Hotel
225 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, Maryland 21201 USA
Saturday November 14, 2009
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
The WBC Community Development Corporation, its staff and volunteers have contributed many hours to support the Northwest Baltimore communities. It is the vision of the WBC Community Development Corporation to provide the Northwest Baltimore City communities with safe, self-sustaining neighborhoods where the quality of life for all of its citizens is assured. This will be accomplished by providing social programs, affordable housing and economic development. This can only be obtained through partnerships with government, business, the local churches, and the local communities.
The WBC Community Development Corporation funds its mission through the financial support of donations and gifts from government, private institutions, foundations, grants, community partners, the local churches, and private patrons. This event directly impacts our efforts to promote our goal of “Building, Reaching, Growing toward Excellence.” We would love to have your support in helping us to fulfill our mission.
Thank you,
Larry Smith,
Gala Committee
Gala Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Sponsor - $10,000
§ Company name and logo will be listed in program journal at the Platinum Level.
§ Inclusion in all print and broadcast media for 2010.
§ Full back page ad in program journal.
§ 10 tickets to Gala.
§ Event day recognition and award as a Platinum Sponsor.
§ Included in our special support announcements.
§ Advertisement and promotional opportunities at special functions at least twice a year including the Community Tree Lighting in December.
Gold Sponsor - $7,500
§ Company name and logo will be listed in program journal at the Gold Level.
§ Inclusion in all print and broadcast media for 2010.
§ Event day recognition and award as a Gold Sponsor.
§ Full Inside back page ad in program journal
§ 8 tickets to Gala.
§ Advertisement and promotional opportunities at special functions at least twice a year including the Community Tree Lighting in December.
Silver Sponsor - $5,000
§ Company name and logo listed in program journal at the Silver Level.
§ 6 tickets to Gala.
§ Event day recognition and award as a Silver Sponsor.
§ Half-page advertisement in program journal.
Bronze Sponsor - $2,500
§ Company name and logo listed in program journal at the Bronze Level.
§ 4 tickets Gala.
§ Event day recognition and award as a Bronze Sponsor.
§ Half page advertisement in program journal.
Sponsor - $1,000
§ Company name and logo listed in program journal at Sponsor level.
§ 2 tickets to Gala.
§ Quarter page ad in the program journal.
§ Name listed in the program journal.
Patron – $100 to $500
§ Listed in program journal.
A table of ten (10) can be purchased for $600.00